Weekly 15. 2. 2022 I.
- @Davor will start working on the UI for initiation quests
- @Misanth set up the categories of initiation/role selection quests
- @Cris Leash offered to help moving the quests into metaOS
- ongoing conversation about metacollab + quests
- asked in 📝-writers-guild for a content writer for quests
- discussed various things:
- proof of completion
- some automatic
- upload proof
- generate a report when everything is ticked as completed
- manually check the report when user applies for nft upon completion of a questline
- give props upon completion of section (e.g. starter quest section in initiation questline)
- evolving octo for quests completion @Cris Leash
- next align: https://discord.gg/y2TWMSZH?event=943197119739756604
Mid-week 18. 2. 2022
- some kind of completion (gray out, move to the bottom)
- add breadcumbs for the whole app
- a quest in progress / quest started indication ?
- add an ever evolving pet as you reflection in the metaverse @peth @UniPuff
Weekly 1. 3. 2022 II.
- Descriptions
- UI
- Initiation quests
- Borders for portals - need an artist
- 3 columns / depending on the screen size
- completion
- moving content to the app
coming soon
sign on hover