A PlayBook is a quick guide on how to do, or understand, a specific thing. 👈🏾

These are being written in a context of OnBoarding/Levelling up in relation to Web3 (DAOs and Crypto inclusive of course).

These spaces can be dizzyingly confusing and representing a massive ‘Warren’ (network of rabbit tunnels) of digital ‘Rabbit Holes’.. 🐇

The term Rabbit-holes is used after the story Alice in Wonderland. With Playbooks a few ways of looking at why you are writing them, that may help are..


So what characteristics a PlayBook in this context? 🤔

💡 A good idea can be to have a Further Reading bit at the end followed by your links. That way, your work is done and now the invitation to go further is presented. Be mindful also, that as links break, things get moved etc, the more links, the more ongoing management will be required...

Starting a piece is often half the battle. So, where to start? 🖊️